Here is the 12 month calendar I did with some of my clients again this year. I love looking at it - makes me happy, both because it turned out super cute and because it reminds me how much fun we had putting it together throughout the month of last November. You'll notice there are no dates on the calendar yet. One of the ladies had a fabulous idea - instead of rushing to make it a 2012 calendar, we decided to add pictures throughout the year and make it a 2013 calendar! Of course, I am already three months late so I better get going. I did jump ahead and get December on because the pics I had were too perfect! Hope you like it!!
Here give a good post. It's give a easy and under stable suggestion to make nice calender. This is show graphical picture which is useful to make a nice calender.
photo calendar
That is a great photo calendar. I would buy that if I saw it in a store. Month October turned out really cute. My sister in law is very crafty and I went to her house for dinner one night and she was making a calender. It was all pictures of her daughter growing up. It turned out great. I was thinking about making my own now and you gave me great ideas but where did you get the materials to make this and do you have any advice for a new beginner? Thanks for the great blog. Looking forward to reading more!
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